1) Students will complete AnB student application form and send all required documentation along with application to HQ. 2) We interview students through Skype. 3) Once we make the final decision, will send DS-2019 4) Student will do Visa interview.
arrange host families
We find and match host families with our international students according to their preference.
Host families are screened through application, references, personal interviews, Federal background checks and home visits.
student orientation
Every student needs to attend orientation in the beginning of the school year.
Orientation will cover how to adjust in US, how to build good relationship with people, what to do when student gets injured, school rules, AnB rules, and expectation for international students.
monthly contact
Assigned local coordinator will contact at least once a month to check student's wellbing and concerns. AnB will send the monthly report to home agency.
For the full J1 Exchange Student application, please click here